A week of fun is coming our way!
We are just back form one trip and ready to dive into a crazy week of Father Day Celebrations and special suppers, school and field trips, raising butterflies, waiting for special mail deliveries, Birthday's, soccer games, marking (for Mommy), gardening and prepping for our next big lake adventure coming up not soon enough!
I just couldn't resist sharing this sweet snapshot of my boys.
Little Brother was not in a photo mood.
Daddy finally joined our rubber boot club. His request for Father's Day. (he wanted to be like us!)
I am a huge Hunter boot fan. We as a family spend a ton of time outdoors and even more with our northern getaway now.
When Big Brother was two we went through three pairs of rubber boots in three months, each pair sprung a leak. I was frustrated. So I researched. Now his boots are passed down to Little Brother. Really great boots.
I have a few pairs myself, I'd be lost without them. I wear them four seasons thanks to the warm wool/fleece Hunter socks!
Welcome to the boot club Daddy!
Top Ten Reasons Why You are a #1 Daddy
(by Big Brother Age 6)
1. You go to work everyday and work hard.
2. You play with us in the basement.
3. You take me swimming.
4. You are good at building Lego with me.
5. You take care of me sometimes.
6. You know how to BBQ chicken legs (my FAVORITE!)
7. You are good at getting wood for campfires.
8. You are good at canoeing us to the park.
9. You let us visit with Pa.
10. You took us all to Disney World.
xox Your Family