The Sprout and I had one of the best days ever during a whole day long visit to our Uncle Derele and Aunty Connies' organic farm. The Sprout just calls it paradise. He ate the most delicious and perfect sun kissed organic berries and fruit (and a few yummy organic dirt clumps) all day long. His cousin Brandon spoiled him rotten with fresh hand picked raspberries, Saskatoon berries and The Sprout's new favorite........fresh peas. We had a good laugh when The Sprout started tossing the fresh raspberries over his shoulder to get to the peas.

Here is my Little Sprout on his first tractor! I only had a slight heart attack seeing my baby on a major piece of farm equipment but reminded myself he was in Yoda's loving hands.

The Sprout saw a turtle, snuggled kitties, had a non-stop flow of amazingly fresh berries, fruit and veggies, put berry pails on his head, rode/sat on in a tractor, drank from water guns, picked his own berries to eat, napped in the fresh farm air, ate more amazingly fresh berries, ate some dirt, picked leaves, tasted leaves, spit out leaves, tired to eat straw, watched grasshoppers..........ate more berries and peas and fell asleep with a smile on his sweet little face. A perfect day.
What a fun day!! And an organic farm too!! Yay!! Enjoy all the goodness it has to offer Sprout. Fresh peas, mmmm. And look at you, you cute farm gal!!
What cuties!!!! A fun, fun sunny day!! Thanks for sharing!
The picture of The Sprout with Brandon is really cute, and I love the last picture too... please, please don't mention to Veto that Uncle Derele is an ORGANIC farmer, I haven't fessed that up to him yet... he doesn't think we have any of "those people" in the family... hee hee!
great pictures, your son is quite the camera buff he sure loves having his picture taken
Love Twinny
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