Pretty cute, huh! I know!
Oh Yeah, see all my teeth! I'll open really wide for you!
I have 6 with two more on the way! Better stock up on tooth brushes Mom!

I am 10 months old now.
I am a really good eater. I eat everything. The more the better! I am a whopping 26 pounds. No wonder Mom makes a "ughphf" sound everytime she picks me up.
26 pounds to love Mom!
I love baths.
I love my Dad. I watch him shower and get ready every morning, it is our special time.
Mommy and I have special time too. It is a 9pm, 12am, 2am and sometimes even 4am if she is really lucky. To be honest, these last few nights I have been trying to get a little more sleep and last night was only up once. Poor Mommy.
Pa and I get to play everyday. He likes it when I play the lollipop drum for him.
Pa also knows the secret to my happiness. Watermelon. I could sit and watch him and big brother draw superheos at the table for ever as long as I have watermelon.
Big Brother makes me laugh and laugh.
I love everything he does and watch him very closely.
I say dadada and bbbbbb and ssssssssss.
I crawl backwards very well and get up on all fours when Mom makes me.
Seriously people, I am happy sitting with my toys and having you all bring me whatever I want or carry me, do you really think I am going to ruin that anytime soon?
I have mastered the sippy cup full of water and have signed "eat" a few times. Mom is still working on "more" and "drink".
I wear 18-24 month sleepers and they are getting a little snug.
I wear 12-18 month pants and 18-24 month t-shirts.
I prefer to chew my socks rather than wear them.
Overall, I am cute sweet and getting smarter by the minute.