Today was your first day of Kindergarten. Wow.
You woke up, ate breakfast, did Kumon, practiced piano, had a photo shoot and off we went.
Just us.
We walked.
You talked about the trees and birds.
I talked about listening to your teacher.
You asked about recess and snack.
I reminded you to listen to your teacher.
You are 5.
You are confident.
You are kind.
You LOVE nature. Trees, birds, animals of all kinds.
You draw squirrels, Egypt and ninjas with equal details and thought.
You ride your bike with ease and grace.
You print your name (on the lines too!), numbers to 20 easily. You can print higher but I'm not pushing it. Yet.
You read. No just I and am. You read there and very and play. Yeah, big words.
You love apples and eat 1-3 a day. You drink milk. Lots.
You laugh for no reason. You laugh at your own jokes. You love jokes.
Your smiles melt my heart.
You are so sensitive to those around you.
Piano. You practice three times a day. Sometimes short sometimes long. You always hop up on the bench without a complaint.
You love money. We will work on leaning coin names soon.
You tolerate your brother but I'm guessing you wonder why he is so demanding when you are so laid back. I wonder this also.
You love time with Pa. You are careful not to tell me about watching too much TV at his house. I am never sure what you two do but you are best buddies.
You love fishing and are ready to eat any kind of fish you can find. Your Dad recently surprised us all with $50 worth of Alaskan King crab from Costco-just for you!
You are an amazing little boy. I love with a love that I can't describe. You make me smile when I really need it and you spark my love for life.
You made me a Mom. You are my son and I love you so much exactly the way you are.