amazing I love love.
Note to self: remind husband to bring acoustic guitar to next family photo shoot.

being 3

There is a reason one does not give a newly 3 year old a sign to hold as a photo prop at the park. In theory I thought I was brilliant. I even made most of the sign myself (to use with photo club at school). The biggest smile I got was when I said, "OK, OK go play with Pa."
Oh well, photo club will have a blast with the chalk board speech bubbles and I can't wait to use them at our next family Bar-B-Que! (and another party that is just around the corner!)

sweet tent idea
Last Pike Lake Picture
You are 3 today.
It is hard for me believe I ever existed with out you.
I watch you play, discover and even sleep with awe. You have a love so forgiving, a passion that is untamed and a smile so pure it humbles me to be near you some days.
I am thankful each day for your health.
I am thankful each day for you. Just you.
You can count to 10.
You demand to wear your spider man PJ's EVERY night.
Your best friend is Pa.
You are kind to all animals,and just last week saved a worm from the sidewalk by picking him up and putting him onto the grass.
You ride a trike and a strider with ease and confidence.
You love ramps.
You love our park.
You can swing and are working on legs out legs in legs out legs in.
You ask me to sing "Canada" meaning O Canada every time you see a Canadian flag.
You love the song BINGO.
You can use scissors to cut but are not a fan of colouring at all.
You ask me once a day who my boys are. (you and Daddy of course)
You most frequently tell me you want to be a DR like Daddy but sometimes you say you want to be a boy teacher or a worker.
When Daddy is away on work trips and calls the first thing you say is "Where are you Daddy? I miss you!" (and it ALWAYS makes me cry)
After I had a French pedi-cure you asked me why I had icing on my toes.
You love peas.
You love gardens with food.
You sleep with puppy, bunny, mickey and usually a truck or two.
You are up at 5:30 am every morning.
You love Diego shows on TV.
You eat at least one apple a day and have for at least a year. Your favorite part being the seeds.
You love showers.
You passed swimming lessons, you were a sea turtle, your teacher was Brittany.
You have also started soccer.
Pre-school will begin in the Fall and I miss you already.
You hang up your bunny hug all by yourself.
You proudly pull up your own gotch.
You take off shoes easily but prefer is someone else puts them on for you.
You drink a minimum of 2 L of milk a day. You tell people you like milk and water but secretly I know you love treats of juice and tea too.
Your Dad is your hero.
Your Pa is your best playmate.
Mom's is just around to make food, get milk and find missing stuff. (and she is perfectly OK with that!)
You are kind, gentle and loving. You are bossy, headstrong and have crazy amounts of energy.
You are 3.
You are so loved.

Pike Lake April 2011
un-spring break beaver hunt!

and I would totally do it again! Turkey bacon was a huge hit too-thanks Krista!

I felt amazing when I woke up-and starving so we headed to our favorite local Thai/Vietnamese restaurant for dinner.
We played at the park on the way home and the 3 of us shared an eat more. Crazy, I know.
Once home it was riding bikes and trikes around the block, soccer in the front yard and inside for a little milk and watermelon before bath.
Perfect day.
Bags are getting packed.....
Baby sheets freshly made, washed and sniffed.
One stack of blue and one stack of pink "take-home" clothes
ready to go!
ready to go!

Me? A soccer Mom? Hip Hip Hooray!

We have an amazing coach.
Seriously, the best ever.

Wow, me, a soccer Mom.

Mother's Day Newspaper

Found this great idea here.
I printed mine off on yellow and pink card stock to use as place mats/activity mats.
Each guest will be asked to fill one out during Sunday brunch and then they will go home with the corresponding Mom.
I know I will cherish mine!
I am planning a waffle bar-any topping suggestions?

un-spring break library visit

This day was a highlight of my week. 

We walked into a new to us library filled with puzzles and books. The puzzle tables fascinated me. A genius invention. Perfect for toddlers. Simple brilliance. So inviting I can't wait to go back.
Next was the story time lady. She was amazing. Perfect. Engaging beyond belief. Brilliant also in knowing the 2-3 age group. 3o minutes. 3 stories. Lots of action songs. And stamps at the end for little hands. Stamps rock.
To make it even just a little more perfect we were invited to this wonderful event by friends-we are so lucky to have healthy happy friends who are smart about cool stuff to do in our little city!

un-spring break (each day got colder and colder...)
...but we were getting smarter and smarter!
School work time!
We have progressed passed snip snip and have moved onto cutting LOOOOOOONG lines.
With lots of help.

Stringing Cheerios on shoelaces however never seems to lose its charm. (until Mommy wants to take too many pictures, forgets how important eating Cheerios are and the whole operation shuts down...sorry about that one honey)

un-spring break farm visit
Looking at these pictures both warms my heart and makes me long for Fall harvest (the veggies, I want the organic veggies!)!
We had great visit and made a new friends-Mr Night Crawler. Uggg. Mr Night Crawler is all I heard about for the next two days. Somehow we happen to have an orange plastic worm thingy (now known as Mr Night Crawler) that now shows up in the oddest places-like under my butt on the couch. Great. 

un-spring break
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