I just have let you know about this super cool give away!
for a QR stamp of your very own!
This 2 dimensional code is readable by smart phones! You can link it to your email or website or your blog! (I would totally link one to my blog!)
It all started when I just had to order one of these! I can't wait to get ours in the mail. A thank you note from a loving (and oh so so classy Aunty) made me realize I need one.
Well, this was the old backyard.......yes, it does look quite different now. The water is clearer and well, we have no more ducklings. The story is long, the quick version is that sadly, a Mama duck laid her eggs and before we knew it we had a problem. 7 problems to be exact. Not shown is the ramp my Dad built so the babies could get in and out of the pond, oops I mean pool. Also not shown is the organic grain from Uncle Derele's farm. Also not shown is me running outside at 4 am because we heard alarming quacking that was really just a late night duck party. Eventually we had to relocate the family to a nearby pond. I tried every organization related to animals and birds and wildlife of any kind.
I knew I would marry this man when......
...he saved our ducks. He loved those quacking little fluffy bug eating babies as much as I did. He carefully caught them and I popped the bins into my jeep and sped off to set them free. I cried, he sighed.
Go HERE for more information! Picked up a box of my favorite multi-grain cereal today just so I could order my FREE towel!
Check your box and if you have enough super cute towels you can always donate one!
(shipping is free too!)
In the beginning... We started our lives together...
NOW we CELEBRATE...3 years of joy!
Ahh a night out! A local restaurant patio-our usual date night spot.
..baby started to fuss just as we finished dinner..surprise! I wondered why my sweet husband had picked up my camera-he never touches it without permission!
This is real time surprise! ..and another sweet charm full of "love" for my collection!
(the box had been there all night-my sweet husband had thoughtfully got baby into his car seat as I finished getting ready! Nicely planned! Oh an dyes, baby is that well behaved most days!)