At least 2 servings of fruit and 1 serving of yogurt....I am thrilled when my little guy asks to make booster juice. The sweet part is he actually makes it himself, well mostly. Our recipe is never the same because the amount and type of berries that go in are always a little different. We use berries bought or picked in season (Yup, those are Aunty Connies raspberries from the farm you see!) that I freeze.
We add a 1/2 cup yogurt per person, 1/2 cup berries per person and a splash of juice. The night we made these that sweet little boy ate both servings! (and that was directly after supper!)

I love my magic bullet. I still smile when I think about using it to make every speck of baby food for this big boy. I know exactly how many baby food jars we purchased - 6. It was while on a trip to in Vegas. He wouldn't even swallow the peaches. For three days he ate (and loved) fresh strawberries, bananas, toast, rice from Chipolte (I wanted to eat there every day), and anything else I could mash up. It is my favorite appliance and must have for all Mommies! (but I really missed all the fun things I could have done with the baby food jars!)
What is your favorite appliance?