You had your healthy check up this week.
You are 106 cm and 38.5 LBS. Apparently you are off the charts-but his I already knew as you wear mostly size 5 clothing, six in PJ's. (good to know I am not just shrinking everything in the dryer!)
You told Dr.F your favorite foods were broccoli and carrots (I had to tell her this wasn't rehearsed, it was actually true! It was even what you asked for lunch)
You chose a Cars sticker.
You lay down like a champ and giggled when she listened to your heart.
You were reluctant to let her look in your ears until she said she was looking for potatoes-this broke the ice and you relaxed.
She asked if you brushed your teeth, you answered yes.
She asked if you had been to the dentist and you answered no.
She said it is time to visit the dentist-just to get in the habit. Good to know.
I tattled and told her how much milk you drink in a day 2 litres plus-she said not to worry but to try to cut down.
You cheered, with arms up and all, when she asked if you were going to be a big brother soon.
The visit was exhausting for you. You fell fast asleep in the Jeep on the way home.
This week you also had a play date with this sweet friend. Here you guys are just last summer. You two played for an hour in the sand at wonderful park by our house. I think we Mommies will have to make June annual photo shoot month for you two sweeties.