We had a great afternoon celebrating the Olympics with a few friends!
This big guy and I painted the rings and talked about what they represent. There is a song he sings at school about continents I must learn! We all made our own flags. I used a bunch of scrap material that was nice and heavy. Cups worked perfectly as ring stamps. This was a great activity-one of our Olympians was only 2 and he LOVED making a his own flag with Mommy!
My girlfriend who arrived helped me put the medals together. A little hot glue, ribbons, chocolate coins and a paper circle for a medal. All supplies I had in my stash! The kids really loved these and they were so easy to make. Big brother didn't take his off even when we went out for supper a few hours later. He ate his medal for dessert.
Thank you Playmobil! These Olympic figures are wonderful for all ages and great deal at less than five bucks. Bonus-the swimmers really float! I picked up 2 swimmers and 2 bikers so we could have races. We have used the pool, a baking dish and the hot tub. We watched diving before bed tonight so I assume the figures will be diving tomorrow...guess I will be making a diving board after I post this! I look forward to pulling these out again each year for the Olympics.
Everyone made a necklace with Olympic ring coloured beads. Great fine motor skills Olympians!
Olympic floating!
Olympic surfing!
Olympic cute guy!
Olympic funny guy!
Easy to make Olympic rings.
Olympic fun!
My favorite little Olympian!
Go Canada!
(......and everybody else! We cheer for everyone!)