I'm not sure what to say.....Nana is not doing great. The operation was very hard on her weak body. She has a little pneumonia in one lung and her blood pressure is up.
We went to visit her in our costumes today. The Sprout is still not feeling 100% so we didn't make any other stops for visits. He loved his costume(when Daddy put it on) and fell asleep on the way home form the hospital.
Please continue to send positive thoughts and prayers-she really needs them to help her along the path to recovery. She is fighting hard and needs our love. NEEDS our love. Please pray for Nana's comfort(no pain), for her blood pressure to be normal and for no more infections.
It is getting harder to do the everyday things like go to COSTCO or eat supper..........this time last week Nana, Sprout and I were playing ring around the rosie...