I snuck out last night after putting The Sprout to bed and just couldn't pass these by...

You see, I'm starting to have nightmares about going back to school in the fall. Just over a month to go until my first day.
I like doing school work and loving all the classes I have signed up for and am excited to meet other Grad students but I am TERRIFIED about being hopelessly out of style and standing out like a sore thumb. I have never received an A+ in fashion but I think that I have been a little too relaxed in the fashion department this last year at home with The Sprout. Luckily the three of us will head to Miami in a short time and hopefully I'll be able to fashion watch and pick up a few closet must haves......any suggestions?

Don't you think ALDO deserves an A+ for their great design of a box/bag? I love how the little handle is both cute, handy and comfortable to carry.