Call me crazy or just a 1st time Mom but as much as I love my son and teaching I also love a good deal. I wish I could say I searched out the product and found the deal but it actually fell right on me (for $9.99) during a trip to Winners many months ago.
Who hasn't heard of Hooked on Phonics? (That's who happens to produce this brilliant package of knowledge.) I don't really have an opinion of programs like these but I do like the fact that it spells out the following:
1. Spend time with your child.
2. Read with your child.
3. Show interest in what they are learning.
4. Show respect for learning and teachers.
5. Spend time with your child.

......I popped in the 1st DVD into the computer when the Sprout was 6 months old. I don't like much TV myself (it sucks me in too easily) but I figured a few minutes with supervision might teach us both how to sit still for 10 minutes a day. I played the DVD maybe 3 times a week and used the signs regularly. When the Sprout was 10 months old- he liked the DVD but showed no interest in signing yet. 10.5 month - boom! The Sprout started to sign for eat, drink, and more! Wow! Even McDreamy and Yoda started using the signs.
Now the Spout is 17months old and he can sign:
eat, drink, more, potty( Mommy's favorite), book (Nana's favorite), water, milk, dog, bird, all done/finished, apple, cracker, cereal and banana.
Yesterday when McDreamy got home form work he got himself a drink form the fridge, The Sprout wandered in the kitchen and signed for a drink, McDreamy asked if he wanted milk or water, The Sprout signed water and drank like a fish. And so......

Sassy went straight to her little computer and ordered this!

Oh yes I did! Any Mother who is up with late night feedings knows this program, its on every night from 1 am -6am straight!
The Sprout is developing quite nicely but I want to give him a little encouragement to speak- the signing is great but our little Sprout only has a handful of words and the 18 months and 50+ word deadline is only a few weeks away. (he does say Mom, Dad, Nana, Pa, go ,dog, go, nooooo, bubbles, ball, birdie, vrooom, boc-boc-bark, moo, roar and dieeeee-(eye, I hope!)
So here we go.......this teacher needs to be taught (that what this DVD/flashcard thing for parents is all about)
Has anybody out there tried this program? Advice?