Jack-O Lantern Cookie Fun

What are we making?

It is yummy and fun!
Jack O Lantern cookies!

This guy is sad...

Good thing we have lots of extra smiles!

I had so much fun making these shapes! You have to think outside the box and make a few shapes using a sharp knife, thank you for granite counters. I am proud of my icing job, after many years of trying the pipe and fill technique it WORKED! I used about 1 3/4 cup icing sugar with one egg white for the pipe and diluted it with few DROPS of water for the fill. A simple royal icing. The black icing wasn't too bad on the teeth either, that was a nice surprise.

Putting together the faces together was so fun too. We enjoyed these cookies every day for almost a week!

We shared this treat with a friend at the pumpkin maze and he loved it too.

Definitely a do again for next year!

1 comment :

jamie carter said...

your icing job rocks! ;)
they look just like the pros.