thankful for today
Today was a day that we spent together making memories, laughing and having fun as a family. I look at these pictures and want to hold them in my heart forever. Each moment is a blessing. Each minute we share together a gift. Knowing our future will be bright because of love for each other.
We are so lucky.
We are happy.
We are healthy.
We have family to love.
We have a warm house, a full fridge and time to spend together.
We have each other.
Today was so good.

favorite views
This is one of my sweet husbands favorite view...(his other favorites earn me Tiffany's little blue boxes and are not going to appear on this blog!)
This is taken from our master suite to be. I love it because it has its own private bath and private door to the patio. It also looks directly onto our private beach and lake.) We have a beautiful hand made log bed that I'm sure we will spend many morning sipping fresh hot coffee while we snuggle under vintage quilts watching the fish jump and loons swim.
The other view once the huge barn door opened look on the entertaining areas of our cabin. Big Brother is hard at work at his art station. The wood burning fireplace is missing in this photo but will be back soon!
Ah, my mudroom. I know you've seen it before but I love it.
Even with all our winter gear this is how it looks! HEAVEN!
I love looking at the big boots and little boots!
OK, here it is. I designed this vanity.
Best contractor in the world brought it to life.
I/we spent hours looking at sinks and taps.
The boys call this a waterfall spout!
Yes, it calms me to wash my hands!
The wood is sealed and the sink is a perfect vessel for this stand. Even with a five year old and two year old the water is contained. Don't ask me how, if I know I'd bottle it and sell it.
Great sink/tap combo.
The wood boxes come from my auction hunting. This is a guest bath so we don't really need storage but the mirrored vanity will have hidden storage for emergency Band-Aids ect. Also in this bathroom is a steam shower and new washed dryer. Doesn't every cabin have those?
I'm spoiled, I know!
We had a great weekend, the boys didn't want to go home and I have to admit I didn't really either.
Looks like my sweet husband want to do the cabinets in the kitchen and is insisting on new counters too, looks like he want to call this home for a while!

paint your own ukelele
This was a fantastic -35 indoor activity.
Big Brother was thrilled to paint his own ukulele!
It is so fun to embrace his artistic side.
Music and art combined-so fun!
The ukulele was a target find, half price it was $12. They have great art supplies that are great to stock up on when they go on sale.
We picked up a few extra ukuleles for gifts for friends that were a big hit too.
He wanted to paint it just like one of his Dad's guitars (well, he added a few extra colours maybe....)
Sweet, sweet boy.

Island Paradise
Here it is.
My island of paradise.
(just for the record my sweet husband is trying to get me to commit to a real island paradise like Hawaii or some other hot location right now but I am determined to stay put this year!)
Compiled from dozens of pintrest images.
4L glass jars collected over the years perfect to keep oatmeal, rice, sugar and even candies fresh.
I am not sure if the stools will stay yellow-they do match the lockers but I am not really a yellow person. Thoughts? White?
Would it help if you imagined the cupboards washed in a fresh antique eggshell off white?
If so, then what colour counter? What style of sink? Taps? Kitchen aid mixer?
This get away kitchen is so fun to design because it is purely for fun and relaxation. It is great for baking on a rainy day or very early cinnamon buns for my boys and neighbors but when we are at the lake it is all about family, BBQ's and spending time enjoying each other...which is usually outside.
I still can't believe this place is ours. Our family getaway spot. The memories have just begun!

Welcome 2014! Garbage Beware!
We did a ton of house cleaning over the holiday break and it feels great. Closets, shelves and drawers more organized, a new, refreshed less cluttered life.
It is amazing how great it feels to get rid of all that nasty garbage from the past and realize that living simply and more focused is a healthier style.
Oh, I'm sure some of that nasty junk may try creep back in but we as a family will lock it out! My sweet husband has taken the lead here and promised to protect me eternally from useless harassing trash.
See ya later trashy trash, two words: "restraining order!"
(He also carried out SIX garbage bags of clothes from my closet for the Good Will! Love that guy!)
Keeping in style with our new refreshed family of 2014 we spent a beautiful day together today. Up early as usual but treated to Daddy home from work early to spend the afternoon skating, shopping downtown and then to supper. We are going to try to be more physically active as a family (even though we usually run around like crazy!) and try new activities together. Education is important to us, so we will keep up with our arts education programs, math programs and of course piano and music lessons for us all.
My sweet husband is insisting on a date night once a week and I may indulge him as long as it comes with flowers and my favorite blue boxes once in a while too!
Hmm, garbage restraining order, more family time and more date nights in 2014. It sounds like we are off to a better than ever year!

get away...
It was -35 outside but toasty warm inside!
This was a trip to add to the family lake memories.
Walking and "swimming" on the lake was so fun even though a bit scary.
We stuck close to shore where I know the depths. The skidoo and animal tracks were bountiful and also a good guide to follow. It was still surreal to walk and run on a surface where we usually canoe!
Inside we were treated to this! My new mudroom!
We've been planning this for months and it finally came together!
The lockers were a Kijiji find and CHEAP! They came from an old pole dancing club! Too funny! I want the locker that says "Bunny".
The pebble floor is better than I could have dreamed of-perfect lake flooring! I continue with the stone in the guest bath and even as a feature wall in the living room. I have visions of using it for a backsplash in the kitchen as well but that would require new cabinets an counters and a LOT of favors/home cooked suppers for my sweet husband!
Caged light-hard to find but I found it locally.
I'll save the stranded story for another day.... lets just say our get away was extended, and greatly enjoyed by all!

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