We had fun glazing these little "bundies" today.

...life....parties.....school......under construction!
What is under construction in your world right now?
Stomping in the giant and deeep puddle at the end of our drive way. For days we have stomped until we are soaked. Smiled, laughed about it and hung our boots upside down to dry so we can do it all over again the next day.
Reasons to try Puddling Stomping:
1. It's free.
2. For fresh air.
3. Vitamin D.
4. Good exercise
5. Family bonding.
6. Language building skills. (words the Spout now says are puddle, deep, big, icy, cars, out, in, hop, boots, bus and done)
7. Road safety teachable moment.
8. For the memory of spending a few moments (or hours like us!) where nothing else matters. Dinner will get made, the laundry will eventually get put away but the puddle will only be there so long. (and my little boy will only be little so long too!) These are the moments I will cherish forever.
What family activity do you love?
Nana is going in for yet another "tune up" on Thursday-this time for a new voice box. Please keep her in your thoughts and pray for no pain, inner strength for Nana, well rested surgeons and staff and a quick recovery.