So there we were enjoying our yummy dinner while the Sprout sat at watched each forkful disappear...until he decided ENOUGH! He had smacked his little fat lips long enough, was he not part of this family too?! He always sits nicely at the table with us and minds his manners very well but never gets to eat with us sooooo........

And the Sprout took to it like a fish to water! Look at the big boy grip! Way to go cup makers this teething baby loves the special nipple made specifically for teethers. Sprout chomped and chewed with a smile in his heart and a giggle in his belly!
Sassy was both happy and sad to see her little gift do something so grown up and not need her! It was a good thing Sassy also had her camera handy because she was about to catch a shot she is going to send into Mystery Hunters. No it was not a Sasquatch, not a spacecraft, not the Turtle Lake Monster but very close..........

We had baked spaghetti last night too! Obviously great minds think alike. How did you get him to do that, McDreamy I mean?
My gosh I am completely blown away at how much The Sprout looks like your mother... what is her nickname anyway... it is an amazing resemblance!
The sprout is growing up and a new sippy cup will soon follow, how fast they grow....looks like he grew right out of his shirt.....Twinny
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