(I need this much playdoh for an up coming party!)
If you could call your self an expert on one topic what would it be?
What or who makes someone an expert?
Sometimes I wish I could be an expert in one thing-just one thing.
My problem is I have interests in many many things. I like them, I have fun doing them but by no means will I ever be an expert in any one area.
Some of my interests include things like photography, clay hand building, glass fusion, vintage up cycle projects, photo shop and baking. Just because they are interests does not mean I have or intend to master any specific interests. I just like to do stuff that makes me happy.
I love photography, take classes to build my skills but 10% of my photos are and most likely will always be blurry.
I can build bunnies and geese out of clay that my son plays with for hours and I can make dishes that look like 2nd grade art projects.
I can spend hours making glass jewelry and take glass fusion classes with my Dad creating memories that will stay in my heart forever but still leave a set of glass masterpieces in my kiln 30 seconds to long and end up with a puddle of melted glass mess.
I can spend hours writing run on sentences and forgetting commas on a blog that every few years I will publish into a book (using blurb of course) so when my son is grown up and moves out on his own I can look back and smile thinking about our wonderful years together.
If I could call my self an expert in just one thing, I couldn't. I wouldn't. I won't. I can't.
But that is just me. I'm not that great at any one thing.
There are many many experts out there I just will never be in their group and I am OK with that.
I just want to be a great wife, the best Mom I can be, a fine daughter my parents can be proud of, a sweet sister a reliable friend and most importantly a good person.
Three mornings a week I kiss my son goodbye as I leave him in the loving hands of his daycare provider (an angel, I'm sure about this!) and I whisper to him,
"Be kind to others today. I love you".
So even though I may not want to be an expert in anyone particular area I have words that I proudly live by.....being kind to others.
What are words you live by readers?