Perfect way to spend a morning.
He sneaks home early and ofter arrives just in time for meetings, appointments and clinics because he wants to squeak in an extra bite of cereal with us.
I love Father's Day because I get to spend it with the 2 best Dad's I know!
I had to snap a few pics as he was "reading" he told me this was "Daddy" and the girl was "Mommy". It made me smile to think thats how he sees his Mommy and Daddy.....friends with a certain extra sparkle in their eyes.......
Sunday's are typically family swim and supper day around here. I have to admit that last year I tried pretty hard to make nice suppers,they were very well received but still, very time and energy consuming. This year I'm taking it easy and spending more time in the pool instead of the kitchen.
Last night we feasted on hot dogs roasted over an open fire, hummus, veggies and pita chips. I made a pitcher of iced coffee and used Saucy's idea for cucumber infused water.
Supper was delightfully easy and the best part-----I swam all afternoon, ate and then swam more!
This is cute but creating some controversy of course.
Pre-baby I would never have found this amusing but now it makes me laugh!
I'd stock up for my boy but he is more of a gotch man these days except for naps, bedtime and when he's having too much fun outside!
Anyone have any good tips for keeping my shoes/jeans/face dry? With no fire hose of my own I'm not quite sure how to teach aim while sitting. We are doing the touch your toes and it seems to work but I am open to better ideas!