Now I need to fill the cupboards.......what are your favorite family activities to do? If you live in California or Florida or anywhere there is no snow and it is not -49 with the windchill please leave your address with your comment so I may come and live with you (Mc Dreamy and the Sprout are optional, but The Sprout is quite charming and it is often handy to have a DR around.....)! Seriously, it is -40 something today, our sneezes freezes mid air! (ha ha)
PS- like my idea......go vote for me! http://www.michaelscontest.com/uploads?page=6
perfect......friends. My gal pals dropped over 2 meals and brownies warm from the oven. It couldn't have come at a better time.
perfect husband.......as always he greets me daily with warm, loving smiles (even when I am stressed out and cranky) and he treats me to dinner at Spicy Garden.
.....all these wonderful events have almost erased the sting of backing into my dad's SUV, the ink covered assignments handed back this week with 4 more still to write, a sick baby that I couldn't dream of sending to daycare and the $10 parking ticket from on campus because when I arrived 10 minutes late for my night class on Monday I realized I only had 12 cents in my wallet. All seem so silly as I feel the warm sun and crunch leaves with my feet in the park thinking about how lucky I am to be able to plan a Christmas dinner for my family.....everyone.
What is perfect in your life right now?