Christmas Eve Kinakin Style!
Wings, ribs, drinks, games and family!
*at the best family restaurant in town! David's on Circle Drive, beside Rona! Come on down for wing night on Wednesdays!
Aunty Sassy knew nephew #2 and 3 and niece #1 would love the clothes she picked out for them for Christmas!
He he he!

Ok Ok, they are a little small. It took a few tries but Sassy even made tiny little coat hangers and garment bags for the dollar bills disguised as shirts. What a fun way to give a gift of boring old cash!

The Sprout got a special gift of home-made squash.....Mommy loves it!

Nana and her best friend!

Hey, what's this a nice big present Mommy sat me beside. I think I will claim it as my very own.

What do you mean it is not mine? I found it first!

I'll just use my super broccoli strength to open it up!

Concentrate now.....concentrate......

Hmmmm, big present or red present....let's see if I can open both at the same time!

Nice try at distracting me Daddy, one hand on the big gift at all times!

I really like this
mouse, he is very cute.....but I can still hang onto this big one!

Big gift forgotten.....
Mom's here!

Tower of LEGO for nephew #3!

Hey another mouse, just like the ones Dady likes to play with in the garage!

Thanks Twinny for the new clothes!

Wii family fun on the big screen....

Twinny and her boys (with Santa - Nana) The Sprout can't wait to get those cutie little outfits as hand - me - downs!

Christmas Day!
We started the day with a
few presents.The Sprout just loved his
Elmo (McDreamy loved him too!)

Then dove into a yummy brunch. Read the cards on each photo carefully, great job McDreamy,
very creative.

peach yogurt trifles, snowman style! I layer peach yogurt, angel food cake, peach jello, peaches and whipped cream mmmmm!

Fresh cinnamon buns are a Sassy specialty!

Hot drinks were ready...

Time for Christmas supper!
Look carefully at the bottom of the photo.
Here's how we chill the white wine Saskatchewan style! (how embarrassing!)

The table is set. I picked up a couple of yards of this flocked material and just serged around the edges. Black, silver, red and green worked well don't you think?

Here is a great picture of The Chef and I preparing our feast. Yoda and The Nana helped out a great deal too. A family of gourmet chefs.....lucky McDreamy!

I begged The Chef to teach me how to make this impressive salad. I can't wait for another occasion to serve it, it was a big hit! Field greens wrapped in a very thinly sliced cucumber with balsamic vinaigrette dressing and cherry tomatoes. (*notice the chefs beautiful and NEW rose quartz toggle and necklace......yes, I had
TWO little blue boxes under the tree this year! Sassy must have been a VERY good girl! xox, thanks McDreamy and Sprout!)